Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Software : Adobe Photoshop
Size : A5
Material : Internet Searching

Kondisi seniman Franky Sahilatua sedang sakit. Musisi senior Indonesia ini menderita sakit kanker (OkeZone, Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010)

A Most Stupid Thing in 2010

Software : Adobe Photoshop
Size : A5
Material : Internet Searching

Ruhut: Wacana amandemen UUD 1945 digolkan lewat Setgab

JAKARTA. Wacana amandemen Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 bukan isapan jempol. Juru bicara Partai Demokrat Ruhut Sitompul mengatakan usulan ini akan digelontorkan ke Sekretariat Gabungan (Setgab) Partai Koalisi.
Ruhut mengaku, ide amandemen konstitusi untuk memperpanjang periode presiden itu sudah mendapat dukungan dari partai koalisi pemerintahan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. "Kami akan realisasikan lewat Setgab," kata Ruhut, Rabu (18/8).
Ruhut boleh saja mengusulkan wacana itu dan mengklaim ada partai yang setuju. Namun, Ketua DPP Partai Golongan Karya Priyo Budi Santoso menyatakan, usulan itu belum tentu disetujui. "Kami belum bisa bicara menerima atau tidak," kata Priyo.
Priyo yang juga Wakil Ketua DPR ini mengaku tidak mengerti motif apa yang sedang digelontorkan oleh Partai Demokrat untuk menggolkan perpanjangan jabatan ini. "Tetapi ide ini berani dan bisa memicu polemik," ujar Priyo.
Wacana perpanjangan masa jabatan Presiden SBY ini pertama kali diungkapkan oleh Ruhut. Hal ini ditentang oleh berbagai pihak, seperti Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi Mahfud MD yang mengatakan ide itu tidak sesuai dengan amanat reformasi yang membatasi masa jabatan Presiden.

IFRA 2011

X Banner

X Banner

Flier (in side)

Flier (out side)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Software : CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Size : All Size
Material : CorelDraw

The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is the ongoing dispute between Israelis and Palestinians, an enduring and explosive conflict.[1] The conflict is wide-ranging, and the term is also used in reference to the earlier phases of the same conflict, between Jewish and Zionist yishuv and the Arab population living in Palestine under Ottoman or British rule. It forms part of the wider, and generally earlier, Arab–Israeli conflict. The remaining key issues are: mutual recognition, borders, security, water rights, control of Jerusalem, Israeli settlements,[2] Palestinian freedom of movement[3] and legalities concerning refugees. The violence resulting from the conflict has prompted international actions, as well as other security and human rights concerns, both within and between both sides, and internationally.

Panggung Sandiwara dari Mataram

Kamis, 24 Agustus 2006 | 11:49 WIB

TEMPO Interaktif, Mataram:Sebuah kursi terbungkus kertas koran menghadap empat bingkai kayu segi empat besar yang digantung di langit-langit. Di sekitar lantai terdapat hamparan pasir lembut. Di bagian tepi pasir teronggok tengkorak putih. Ada pula tiga baskom kecil berisi sepotong muka yang terendam air dan kembang. Di atas benda itu tergantung tabung kain putih.

Sementara itu, di dinding terlihat tiga wajah manusia berderet dari kanan ke kiri sehingga menampakkan terjadinya evolusi. Sedangkan pada kiri dan kanan dinding ruang tersebut, terpasang 20 lembar foto adegan berbagai pentas teater, musik, dan wayang. Seorang manusia berpakaian mumi tampak bergerak ke sana-kemari.

Itulah Dua Rupa Visual Art Exhibition yang digelar oleh dua pegiat seni Mataram, Arief Firmansah Sahidu dan Ismiadi, sejak Minggu petang lalu hingga Kamis depan, selama 10 hari. "Untuk ajang silaturahmi antarbidang seni," kata Arief, 30 tahun, yang menyajikan foto dokumentasi pentas seni di Mataram selama setahun terakhir.

Pajangan foto dan seni instalasi itu, kata pegiat seni di Mataram, Paox Iben, sama-sama merupakan perlambang panggung kehidupan. Lembaran foto yang tampak hanya hitam dan merah kecokelatan itu merupakan tampilan mikro. Adapun karya instalasi tersebut menjadi bagian dari wujud makro panggung yang fana itu. "Dunia ini panggung sandiwara. Ceritanya mudah berubah," kata Paox Iben dalam lembaran naskah pengantar pameran ini.

Arief Firmansah Sahidu dan Ismiadi, yang tengah menggelar karya mereka, adalah pegiat Teater Kamar Indonesia. Arief adalah bekas mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram, yang memilih berkesenian dan tak melanjutkan kuliahnya. Sedangkan Ismiadi, 37 tahun, tamatan seni rupa Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia di Denpasar.

Mungkin ini pertama kalinya, setidaknya di Mataram, dilangsungkan pameran foto khusus hasil bidikan acara dari panggung pentas seni. Ada gambar sepotong adegan berupa bagian atas manusia terbalik masuk ke tong dari pentas teater Caligula karya Albert Camus oleh Teater Kamar Indonesia. Lantas ada seseorang yang duduk di atas drum minyak dalam pentas monolog Black Box oleh Teater Prung Bandung. Tidak hanya itu, penampilan Folkontemporia Ary Juliant & Folk serta pentas tari kontemporer Lombok Culture Open pun terekam dengan indah.

Mengutip filosof Prancis, Roland Barthes, dalam Camera Lucia, Paox Iben menyebut fotografi adalah sebentuk nekrokulturalisme, memuja budaya kematian. Pasalnya, fotografi berbicara masa yang lampau dan memenjarakannya dalam bingkai makna yang telah tereduksi sedemikian rupa menurut alur fotografer. Ia seperti dipaksa atau tertuntut untuk mengabaikan sekian fakta dan terpaku hanya pada momentum sepersekian detik yang diciptakan melalui moncong kamera.

Seorang sutradara senior lokal Mataram, Kongso Sukoco, yang didaulat menjadi orator kesenian sebelum pembukaan, sempat mengajak para pegiat seni terus memberikan sumbangsih kreativitasnya. Menurut dia, pemerintah sudah sepantasnya menyediakan biaya dalam jumlah besar untuk segala kegiatan berkesenian. "Taman Budaya ini sangat luas. Suatu kemewahan kalau tidak ada apa-apanya di sini," katanya.

SUPRIYANTHO KHAFID,20060824-82501,id.html

Ramadhan Greeting (2010)

Software : Adobe Photoshop
Size : A6
Material : Internet Searching

Based on :

i like to remind people that, during the holy month of Ramadan, we believe that satan and his armies are chained in the bowels of hell. they are hopeless to seduce us into committing sins against Allah.

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "When the month of Ramadan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of the (Hell) Fire are closed, and the devils are chained."

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Software : Adobe Photoshop
Size : A5
Material : Internet Searching

Massacre (2010)

Software : CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Size : All Size
Material : Internet Searching
Title : Massacre (2010)

Based on :

Pertamina blamed for safety faults,

gas explosions

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 07/02/2010 9:29 AM | Headlines

A new study by the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) says massive safety flaws are to blame for a spate of almost 100 gas explosions in households.

At a press briefing on Thursday, the agency said the poor quality of products distributed by the appointed contractor for the kerosene-to-gas conversion program, oil and gas producer PT Pertamina, was the main reason for gas leaks that had led to the explosions.

As of the end of June there had been 95 explosions, 22 deaths, 131 people hospitalized for injuries and 55 houses damaged in gas explosions. The incidents mostly occurred in Jakarta, Greater Jakarta and West Java.

The program, launched in May 8, 2007, was intended to reduce the government’s energy subsidies by replacing household kerosene cooking fuel with LPG.

Under a government commission, Pertamina distributed conversion kits to households, comprising one 3-kilogram gas canister, a stove, a hose and a regulator. By of the end of May 2010, Pertamina had distributed 44.8 million kits, almost all of which had been imported from China.

An updated study conducted by BPKN reveals that all hoses, two-thirds of the canister checkvalves, half of the stoves, 20 percent of the regulators and 7 percent of the canisters did not meet safety standards.

Pertamina had failed to specify the life expectancy of the gas hoses, which according to international standards ranged between one and two years, BPKN complaints and resolutions coordinator H. Gunarto said.

Previously, a study conducted by the National Center for Research, Science and Technology found leaks in the welding in the 3-kg canisters and in the connection between the canister and its check valve.

Customers have also reported that the check valve often does not fit the gas regulators properly, having tried various regulators available.

At a press briefing held at the Vice Presidential Palace, the government blamed the series of explosions
on the market for distributing gas hoses and regulators that did not meet Indonesian National Standards (SNI).

Judging by the life expectancy of the gas hoses, Gunarto said a series of explosions would occur in Central and East Java, as distributions of kits in these regions were carried out later. On Thursday, gas-related explosions occurred in Malang, East Java, and Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

BPKN chairwoman Suarhatini Hadad said Pertamina and the Industry Ministry were largely to blame for the mess caused by the safety violations.

“Pertamina was too hasty in distributing the conversion kits, while the Industry Ministry failed to check the products and ensure safety,” Suarhatini said.

Pertamina, however, is not solely responsible for the mistake. Separate investigative reports had indicated that private distributors of gas had tampered with the check valves on 3-kg canisters so they could mix the gas with other substances to increase profits. This could damage the valves, and potentially cause leaks, the reports said.

To date Pertamina has not made an announcement to recall any items related to the kits it distributed, but the company said it would ensure the quality of new canisters and fittings entering the market to replace the “damaged” ones.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Work on 1994

Published for my Class on celebrating my School birthday party, August 1994

Monday, August 9, 2010

My Work on 2000

Trashed Newspapers Backdrop
Size : 30 m x 12 m
Published on Indonesia National Student Press Congress on May 2000
"So touched, because i never guess that i can do like now. Thanks my Lord!"